About Me

Happy 2013!

Welcome to my little world! I am a 41-year-old mother of 4. I used to keep a personal blog but decided to make it truly personal and "Private" so I started this blog to fulfill my need to be in contact with other ADULT human beings. I was hoping to use this to force myself to commit to cleaning/decluttering/etc challenges that I find in the bloggy world. So far I have not had the time or opportunity to do any of that. Right now I am needed for other more important things. Things that call me "Mom" or "Wife" or even "Hey, Lunch Lady" which is what I'm convinced goes through the pets' minds when they look at me.

Hopefully, I will get around to doing some of those challenges and link-ups. For now, I am plodding along at my own pace. I do intend for this blog to hold me accountable and to help me challenge myself to get things accomplished this year. In fact, I have a page called "2013 Goals" and I aim to get everything crossed off that list by December 31!

My main challenge and nemesis is paper so I will be working on that just about every week. I've decided to start keeping binders to try and get myself more organized ~ I will let you know how that works. Right now I just have to convince myself to get it started instead of trying to make everything perfect first. This is my main problem, I have many great ideas but want to get it 'just so' before I actually do it and, unfortunately, this usually means I end up with nothing done. So I'm working more on 'DOING' this year instead of 'imagining/dreaming/perfecting."

My other challenge is clutter and organization. I have a husband and four kids after all so this is no surprise to anyone, is it? This task I am going to try to break down into one room/area a month and do it properly. I aim to make a checklist for each room so I can stay on track.

One more thing I am going to fit into this year is I need to really start teaching the kids some life lessons. (In my head, this will be like 'Home Ec" with some "Woodshop," "Auto Mech," and "Economics" thrown in.) It's not that I don't already do some of this but I need to be more purposeful and really TEACH them how to do these things. My oldest is already 13, I want him to be self-sufficient before he moves out.

Well, that is the plan for 2013. Looks good on paper screen. Let's see how it plays out in real life. Wish me luck! and energy and patience and motivation!

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