2013 Goals

Personal ~
    Read 48 books this year
    Get to under 150 pounds by May (How did I get this big?)
    Reconnect with old friends
    Reconnect with an old hobby (I'm thinking cross-stitch; I need the creative outlet.)
    Build something out of wood at least every other month (LOVE the smell of sawdust! And this makes me happy.)

Financial ~
    Get all bills caught up. Again. (Being self-employed sucks at times.)
    Pay off Quest (Smallest loan.)
    Build up savings
    Build up kids' savings

Blogging ~
    Post at least once a week (This blog and personal one.)
    Move kids' blogs to my main personal one
    Get personal blog ready for a 'blog-to-print' book
    Design my own background and header

Household ~
    Declutter throughout house room by room (Will try to do a room a month)
    Put up shelves/decorations
    Finish painting in hall/dining area
    Set up binders for paperwork (Have started this. Just need to convince myself it's ok if it's not perfect right away because I can always tweak it later if it doesn't work.)
    Get paperwork under control! (Need to work on this every day or so.)
    Inventory freezer and pantry and do a 'freezer/pantry challenge'  (This needs to be a high priority!)
    Start menu planning
    Cook most meals from scratch
    Implement a NIGHTLY tidy up before bedtimes (Already started - just need to stick with it!)

Family ~ 
    Ski Trip
    Amusement park
    Go to a baseball game
    Go to a basketball game
    Work up new chore lists for kids (Going to start slow and add to it so they don't freak out!)
    Teach life skills (laundry, cleaning, cooking, sewing, car-care, etc)
    Start taking kids to Lowe's/Home Depot kids' classes (One girl really wants to build something.)
    Call and visit family more often 

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