I don't know why my kids are so sickly this year. Last week I had a kid home nearly every day. The little guy is still running a temperature off and on. I've already advised the children they are all going to school tomorrow and they are staying there all day!
I feel like I haven't gotten anything done except care for sick kids, laundry, and dishes. I tried to vacuum one day but the vacuum wasn't working vey well and I didn't have time to tear it apart and clean it off and put it back together again (stupid pet hair and fur!) It may need a new belt which I have but, like I said, haven't had time to tear it apart.
Despite the feeling of not getting anything done, things did get accomplished. The real problem is I'm just fitting things in and not going in any particular order. I guess that's what happens when EVERYTHING needs to be done, like, last year! I built a bookshelf for the girls' room to fit between their closets. It helps but they still need more storage. I didn't even bother to make it pretty ~ it's just plain MDF. We'll probably paint it later but for now, function is outweighing beauty. Also, my mother-in-law's closet rod collapsed under the weight of her clothes. So I've got shelves cut for the side and I need to get those up and the rod and shelf above that sometime this week. I'm hoping there are studs in the closet walls ~ it sounds stupid to say that but the guy who built her apartment is well known for cutting corners so we'll see. I also cleaned up a little downstairs in the old store area ~ got all the empty boxes off the floor and on a shelf (we're hoping to move soon so I'm hoarding boxes right now!)
There's probably more and I hope I have time to do a real post this week with pictures and stuff!
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