Sunday, January 6, 2013


It seems as though January is going to be more of a holding pattern for me than a time to get much done. I had high hopes of doing some of the organizing challenges I see on other blogs but it seems that is not to be. I am getting ideas though and, hopefully!, in February I can start working on these things.

This January will be spent traveling or, in the case of this week, running the store while my husband travels to help out his mother.

I did get the Christmas tree down last week and the kids and I managed to get all the Christmas clutter and other toys out of the living room. The girls and I rearranged their room by taking the bunk beds apart. Now they desperately need some storage solutions in there because I had to remove a bookshelf to make room for the second bed. I've got the plans drawn up for that ~ I just need some time to actually work on getting it done! But, for now, I am working at the store every day until 7pm, then putting the kids to bed, and probably will just have the energy to keep the house from getting crazy messy. In fact, that is my goal for these 4 days my hubby will be gone ~ just maintain. I am not going to start on any projects now because I know I will not have the time required or the energy/patience to do it right. I will just want to get it done and over with. And I really want to do it well so I will grant myself some slack right now and just maintain until this month is over. Hopefully, February will not be quite so busy for us.

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