Thursday, January 24, 2013

Book Report

It has not been a great month for reading. I guess there is too much else going on right now.

I did try to read "The Kitchen Counter Cooking School" by Kathleen Flinn. It wasn't what I was looking for. It turned out to be more of a story than a how-to book. That's what I was looking for so I've decided not to read this right now.

I did, however, read an ebook, "Dave Ramsey's Guide to Budgeting". That was very good. It made me actually want to start budgeting. We're small business owners so we never know how much money we are going to have coming in (or going out) but he had suggestions for that also. I don't see us doing the envelope system but if we start with the budgeting, maybe that will make more sense down the road.

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