Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Coffee Fudge

We recently had "Thank-mas" at my Mom & Dad's house.

I brought some "Coffee Fudge" that I made for the first time. My younger daugher (the one who likes almost everything) and I really liked it. Everybody else wanted regular old fudge. Oh,'s the recipe anyway. I got this from Lynn's Kitchen Adventures.

Coffee Fudge

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, cut into chunks
  • 2 tablespoons instant coffee granules
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1- 5 ounce can evaporated milk
  • 12 large marshmallows, cut into pieces (or use 120 mini marshmallows)
  • 1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla
  1. Line a loaf pan with foil and grease. Set aside. (You can also use an 8×8 pan lined with foil.)
  2. In a pan combine sugar, butter, coffee granules, salt, milk, and marshmallows.
  3. Bring to a boil and continue cooking over medium high heat until it reaches soft ball stage, which is 234 degrees, on a candy thermometer. You will need to stir this to keep it from burning.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and chocolate chips until melted.
  5. Pour mixture into lined loaf pan. Cool completely or overnight and let cut into squares.

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